Intuitive Tarot
Tarot is a form of divination and spiritual practice that uses a deck of 78 cards, each with symbolic imagery, to explore questions about life, gain insight, or seek guidance.
While Tarot has mystical origins and connections to esoteric traditions, many see it as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth rather than fortune-telling.
Tarot taps into our intuitive parts of self and our unconscious levels and brings issues to the surface in order to make us conscious of them. We then have the opportunity to change things, rectify the situation, make things better, turn our life around and achieve our goals more effectively.
We can easily associate with Tarot because of the pictures. Every item in the Tarot card is an archetypal symbol, this means that it has a standard or basic specific energy and meaning that everyone on the planet understands in an unconscious manner. Eg: the mother is the nurturer and the father is the authority figure. Because we dream in pictures, these symbolic archetypal messages are what connects us more easily with the Tarot. Everyone loves to interpret a dream.
You may choose to pick one card per day or seek guidance from a weekly spread. It's just up to you how much commitment and energy you want to put into it. People seem to consult the Tarot mostly around their birthday or around the New Year to see what the challenges or opportunities are for the year ahead.
However, many who are experiencing a time of confusion, or feel they are at a crossroads in their life may consult the tarot. People usually have a plan A and a Plan B and having a Tarot reading during this time may assist them in confirming the best path to take. In fact, clarification may come immediately through the symbolic images. Tarot gives people confidence to follow their path.
I often liken the Tarots to a Street Directory. We consult the street directory to get from A to B in the shortest or best route available, same with the Tarots they will confirm you’re on the right path or not. The querant will always know deep down which is the correct path for them, but sometimes the Ego wants to go a specific way – usually the wrong way – and by having a consultation you will understand which is the best way and you will feel resolved about it. Tarots help people get on track; they feel like things are moving ahead.
The best part of Tarot is how it gives us the opportunity to open up to our intuitive side and to Spirit. When we have Spirit in our lives, we feel fulfilled. There is no void within, and we feel whole and complete. However, our ego will fight tooth and nail to make us avoid Spirit at every turn. It will make up excuses, so it survives and remains in charge. Our ego does not want you to wake up to your Spiritual side.
Article by Ruanna Marie Segal
17 January 2025